
Free Consultation

We will hop on the phone, chat about your symptoms, and see if we are a good fit to work together! We can discuss next steps, and define how I can support your journey back to balance.

30 min

Kickstarter Program

A package of 5 biweekly meetings that support you in implementing the RCP in a way that is sustainable for you. We will discuss your history of symptoms, stress, and your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and blood lab results to get a clearer picture of your mineral status, and create a detailed plan of action using the Root Cause Protocol and other supportive modalities depending on your needs. Having three structured implementation sessions over the course of almost two months helps you get into a new groove and a path back to balance where you feel seen, supported, and clear. This is a two month commitment.

  • One free HTMA ($110 value)

  • One 2hr health history + visioning session

  • One 2hr session with HTMA analysis

  • Three 45-60min implementation sessions

  • EFT “tapping” and breathwork exercises offered in-session

  • Unlimited email support throughout the program

$690 (Or two payments of $345 )

Foundational Reset Program

Four months of biweekly meetings that support while you step into a truly holistic, integrative approach to wellness. We will deep dive into your history of symptoms, stress, and patterns of imbalance, and clarify how you want to feel and experience your life moving forward. We will look at your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) and blood lab results to get a clearer picture of your mineral status, and create a detailed plan of action using the Root Cause Protocol and other supportive modalities depending on your needs and interests. Having 6 structured implementation sessions over the course of four months, and retesting bloodwork after three months helps you better understand how your body is coming back into balance. You will get to ride the waves of life and healing feeling supported and seen, and you will get a chance to notice how reflective our body is of our mind, spirit, and emotions and how you relate to it all in your own bio-individual way.

  • One free HTMA ($110 value)

  • One health history + visioning session

  • One 2hr session with HTMA and blood lab analysis

  • Six 45-60min implementation sessions

  • One 1hr second blood lab session

  • Wrap up session

  • EFT “tapping” and breathwork exercises offered in-session

  • Unlimited email support throughout the program

  • A-la-carte value of $1320

$1240 (Or 5 payments of $248)

a-la-carte sessions

Although I highly recommend selecting a package for the significant value of accountability and partnership they offer, I also work on a session-by-session basis.

Mineral balance coaching session

If you are interested in remineralizing your body and rehabilitating your metabolism but do not know where to begin or you are feeling overwhelmed, book this consult. We will discuss your history of symptoms and stress to get a clear picture of your health journey and create a simple plan of action using the Root Cause Protocol and other supportive modalities according to your needs. You will come away with new clarity around your health concerns, and actionable steps you can take to get going in the right direction!

60 mins for $150

coaching session w/ EITHER htma analysis OR BLOOD LABS

If you are ready to better understand your body and your specific challenges, book this consult. We will discuss your history of symptoms, stress, and your Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) or blood lab results to get a clear picture of your health, and create a detailed plan of action using the Root Cause Protocol and other supportive modalities depending on your needs. You will receive a detailed, easy-to-reference spreadsheet with your HTMA results, interpretations, and personalized action plan to support you in your journey.

HTMA is NOT included in booking this consult, however you can order one on this page. Please get your hair test done before you book this appointment, and allow for enough time before the appointment date to email me your results. I will need the results a minimum of 3 days before our session to properly analyze and prepare your results.

90min for $200

coaching session w/ BOTH blood panel + htma analysis

If you are ready to deep dive into understanding your body and your specific challenges, book this consult. We will discuss your history of symptoms, stress, and I will provide a full analysis of your blood panel and Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) results to help you get a full story of your health and create a detailed plan of action using the Root Cause Protocol and other supportive modalities according to your needs. You will receive a detailed, easy-to-reference spreadsheet with your HTMA and blood results, interpretations, and personalized action plan to support you in your journey.

Labs and HTMA are NOT included in booking this consult, however you can order your labs by visiting this page. Please get your blood lab and hair test done before you book this appointment, and allow for enough time before the appointment date to email me your results. I will need the results a minimum of 3 days before our session to properly analyze and prepare your results.

2hrs for $250

follow up session

For existing clients only. The purpose of this call is to discuss your progress with the protocol, answer any questions, and provide support during your healing journey.

45 mins for $96

EFT session

Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a unique modality that uses acupressure points on the head and upper body to help release stuck emotions, encourage healthy emotional flow, and repattern the brain-body connection as it relates to emotional response. Clients invariably feel reduced stress around emotions, clearer insight into themselves and their perception, and an improvement in stress response to emotional triggers as they arise in the future.

60 mins for $120