histamine intolerance

To learn in depth about histamine intolerance, a great place to begin is with this article. Individuals dealing with chronic stress often experience some level of histamine intolerance.

“Excess unbound iron is a major source of ongoing stress that activates the histamine response and depletes magnesium and copper. One of the functions of ceruloplasmin is to create histaminase enzymes (such as DAO) which break down histamines, hence excess iron and low functional copper contribute to a lack of histamine-degrading enzymes.”

—RCP Handbook

signs of histamine intolerance

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Sinus issues like sneezing, runny nose, and congestion

  • Fatigue

  • Hives and rashes

  • Swollen eyelids

  • Digestive issues like diarrhea or constipation

  • Irregular menstrual cycle

  • Nausea and vomiting

resources to heal histamine overproduction/allergies

NAET.COM : (Nambudripad’s Allergy Elimination Technique, using applied Kinesiology) - available in most countries worldwide.

ALLERGYTX.COM : (AAT - Advanced Allergy Therapeutics , a computer-based system) - available in North America.

High histamine foods that may be “filling your bucket”

If you are experiencing symptoms, consider cutting out or limiting these foods:

  • Chocolate

  • Citrus

  • Avocados

  • Dried Fruits

  • Shellfish

  • Bananas

  • Cheese

  • Fermented foods

  • Alcohol

  • Processed meats

  • Bone broth

  • Leftover foods

How to clear histamines

  • Histaminase (DAO enzyme) is made by ceruloplasmin. The RCP is designed to optimize ceruloplasmin production and function in the body, so by following the RCP, your body will begin to produce more of its own histaminase.

  • Taking grass-fed kidney supplements or enzymes with DAO can help in the meantime

  • Quercetin can help in the meantime

  • Going low and slow with implementing the STARTS of the protocol will help reduce triggering a histamine response. The nutrients of the RCP protocol are exactly what your body needs to correct this issue.